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Cost and fees

It’s important to understand the costs associated with our Small Business Export Loan.

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How much will our Small Business Export Loan cost?

It’s important to understand the costs associated with our Small Business Export Loan.

To make it easier for you, we’ve outlined the payments and fees below. Our calculator will also help you work out the costs for your loan amount.

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Low establishment fees

Icon 100X100 Strategy

Interest rates are approximately 13% p.a.**

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No penalty for early repayment

Establishment and other fees also apply.

**Interest rate is indicative only and may change. Interest rates are fixed for the term of the loan.

Interest Rate Loan Calculator

Current Interest Rate: 13.77 p.a.


Monthly Payment:


Number of Payments:


Monthly Principal:


Monthly Interest:


Total Payment:


Payment and fees

Payment and fees

Establishment fees

Standard application

  • $1000 deducted from the settled amount for approved applicants only.

Repayments – equal monthly repayments of principal and interest.

Early repayment – you can pay your loan out in full at any time during the loan term without incurring charges.

Things you need to know

These calculations are an estimate only and do not constitute a quote or an offer of finance. They do not account for fees, charges or other amounts that may be charged to your loan.

Interest is calculated monthly on the outstanding loan balance.

The interest portion of your monthly payments will decrease as the outstanding loan balance decreases over the life of the loan.

These calculations are not an approval. Applications are subject to eligibility criteria and credit approval.

The Standard Terms apply to all Small Business Export Loans.

The full commercial terms will be set out in our loan offer, if an offer is made. This calculator is not intended to be your sole source of information when making a financial decision.

It is recommended that you seek your own independent legal and financial advice when making any decision in relation to a Small Business Export Loan.

Export Finance Australia makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) about the functionality or accuracy of this calculator and accepts no liability arising out of use or access to this calculator including (with limitation) any errors or omissions.