Public interest disclosure procedures
If you are a current or former public official under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Cth) (Act) and you become aware of serious wrongdoing at Export Finance Australia, you are encouraged to report this. Please note, a public official may include certain service providers.
The public interest disclosure scheme supplements existing avenues for complaints and investigations and provides protection to eligible persons who make disclosures under the Act.
A public interest disclosure can be made to any of the Authorised Officers set out in the below form.
You have the right to make an anonymous public interest disclosure. However, it may help us to investigate your claim if you provide your contact details. This is because the person investigating the matter may need to clarify certain information with you.
Our Privacy Policy sets out our personal information handling practices, including details on how to access or correct the personal information we hold about you. It also contains information about how you can contact us and how you can make a complaint to us if you believe we’ve breached your privacy.
Learn more about public interest disclosure
We comply with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Act). Information about the Act and how to make a public interest disclosure can be found on the Commonwealth Ombudsman website. Our Public Interest Disclosure policy and procedures are published on our website.
How to make a public interest disclosure
By phone:
Call +61 (0)2 8273 5333 and ask to speak to a Public Interest Disclosure Authorised Officer (you can request by naming someone listed below if that’s your preference).
By post:
Attention: Export Finance Australia Public Interest Disclosure Authorised Officer,
Level 10, 22 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000.
By email:
Please complete our online form below. It is not mandatory to complete the fields asking for contact details.